Reverse channels are wildly popular for a number of businesses that want to present a polished upscale look. These signs are manufactured with aluminum faces and returns and painted to specifications. The letters are lit from behind creating a halo effect with clear backs that prevent animals and other debris from getting into the letters. Reverse Channels are available in a wide variety of styles, fonts and custom artwork. The color, brightness and halo depth can have a substantial impact on the effectiveness of this type of letter sign. These signs go by a couple different names such as backlit, halo lit, reverse channel and other common terms to describe the illumination effect.

Halo Color

Some people assume that white is the only option when choosing this type of sign, but actually halos can be made in multiple colors. We offer a standard stock of Principal LED modules to fit all product applications which include a fiver-year warranty. LEDs are installed on the polycarbonate backs facing the inside of the letter cap. UL or non-UL listed. We also quote other brands at request.
One thing to keep in mind however is: choosing the right color halo could mean the difference in the effectiveness of the sign. Being able to choose the colors gives the sign more branding opportunities. Choosing the wrong the color could ruin the sign.

Halo Brightness
A critical factor in the effectiveness of a reverse channel letter set is halo brightness. Factors like where it’s mounted, how many LEDs, and whether the sign in indoor or outdoor all play a part in how bright the halo will be.
Sign Fab Specifications

LEDs are installed on the polycarbonate backs facing the inside of the letter can. Our standard depth for reverse channels is 3” welded construction. Other depths range from 1” to 4”. We use a .080 aluminum as a standard gauge; .090 and .125 aluminum are also used as required by construction and customer specifications.
Reverse channel colors are painted with Spraylat or Matthews products. You may also use one the the following listed charts to provide a color number, or just send a sample and we will match as close as possible. Matthews, Spraylat, Sherwin Williams, Pantone Matching System (PMS), Benjamin Moore, Jewelite Trim , and 3M Vinyl. Other charts or samples can usually be matched as well.
We can manufacture standard LED reverse channel letters, LED reverse custom logos and non-lit reverse channels and logos. Click here to see our gallery of halo lit signage.

If you’re looking to get a refined prestigious sign to add to your business, just look at Reverse Channel Lit Letters.
They are great at creating a dramatic impact when done correctly. Just keep in mind the halo color, brightness and other factors all affect the effectiveness of the sign. If you have any questions about our methods, just give us a call at 800-544-6381 or email us at [email protected]
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