Channel Letters are currently the number one choice of sign identification for business professionals. These products can be used for internal and external storefronts. We offer a complete range of channel letter products, typestyles, and custom logos. Our channel letter accessories offer you diversity, providing your customer with a wide range of options.
The different types of channel letters we manufacture are Illuminated, Non-Illuminated, Preformed and Welded. Below is a more in-depth look about each one.
Illuminated Channel Letters LED

These letters are energy efficient, low voltage, and low maintenance. The lightweight design of an LED module virtually eliminates breakage. LED Illuminated Channel Letters provide the opportunity to create savings over a long period of time.
Faces: 3/16″ acrylic CNC cut.
Trim: 3/4″ or 1″.
Backs: .050 or .063 aluminum; mounting holes are CNC cut into the letter back.
Returns: Standard 5″ prefinished construction. Welded construction is also available in depths of 3″ to 6″.
Mounting: Remote-Preassembled, Raceway Mounted, Cabinet Mounted, Square Tube Grid, and Aluminum Panel. Custom mounting options are available at request.
Lighting: LED – Sign Fab offers a complete line of LED modules to fit product applications. UL or non-UL listed.
Non-Illuminated Channel letters

These letters are a great way to afford the sign of choice without the added cost of illumination. Illumination can be added at a later date, when it works into your budget.
Faces: 3/16″ acrylic CNC
Trim: 3/4″ or 1″
Backs: .050 or .063 aluminum; mounting and electrical holes are CNC cut into the letter back.
Returns: Standard 5″ prefinished construction.
Mounting: Remote-Preassembled, Raceway Mounted, Cabinet Mounted, Square Tube Grid and Aluminum Panel. Custom mounting options are available at request.
Lighting: Non-Illuminated signs can be upgraded to an illuminated sign at any time. UL codes do not apply to non-illuminated signs, and we will not be able to UL signs with lighting added after manufacture with lighting added after manufacture without an on-site UL inspection.
Preformed Channel Letters

A Preformed channel letter is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a pre-made aluminum return, run through an auto bender to form the shape of the letter. The aluminum is then stapled to the back. Benefits of this type of letter is lower cost and faster turnaround time.
Faces: 3/16″ acrylic CNC
Trim: 3/4″ or 1″
Backs: .050 or .063 aluminum; mounting and electrical holes are CNC cut into the letter back.
Return: Standard 5″ prefinished construction.
Mounting: Remote- Preassembled, Raceway Mounted, Cabinet Mounted, Square Tube Grid, and Aluminum Panel. Custom Mounting options are available at request.
Lighting: LED – Sign Fab offers a complete line of LED modules to fit product applications. UL or non-UL listed.
Welded Channel Letters

Our welded channel letters provide a great-looking letter. It adds significant strength to our letters and provides a superior appearance.
Faces: 3/16″ acrylic CNC
Trim: 3/4″ or 1″
Backs: .050 or .063 aluminum; mounting and electrical holes are CNC cut into the letter back.
Returns: Welded construction is available in depths of 3″ to 6″.
Mounting: Remote-Preassembled, Raceway Mounted, Cabinet Mounted, Square Tube Grid, and Aluminum Panel. Custom Mounting options are available at request.
Lighting: LED – We offer a complete line of LED modules to fit product applications. UL or non-UL listed.
The channel letters we manufacture are made of aluminum and cut by a CNC router. The router creates the back of the channel and is the basis for the letter shape. Returns, the sides of the letter, are then formed by bending a 3- to 6-inch-wide strip of aluminum sheet around the aluminum back. This return can be welded or bent depending on what type of letter is chosen. The shape made from bending is called the “can”. If welded, the letter can is then painted and fitted with LED modules. If preformed, the letter can isn’t painted because it comes pre-colored. Acrylic or polycarbonate is then cut to fit the face of the can and then trimmed on the edges. Trimming gives a finished appearance and fastens the face to the letter can.
For more information on our channel letters call 800-544-6381 or email us at [email protected].