It’s a bit of a mystery why Horizon Line Shoebox Signs remain relatively little known even though they represent one of the best values in the sign industry.

We’re not trying to keep them a secret!
Horizon Line signs are based on customer feedback and built to embody the two key attributes our customers told us they wanted most: durability and affordability.
Horizon Line signs are lightweight, constructed from durable ACM, and highly customizable, with multiple face, style, and lighting options, including push-through letters. Usable indoors or outdoors, these UL-listed signs range in size from 36 to 96 inches in length and 12 to 48 inches in height.
And, should you need a sign in a hurry, production time is as little as 10 working days.
Most importantly, although they have the same features and benefits as standard aluminum box signs, they’re only about half the price!
Budget Friendly
Horizon Line signs are just one of four Budget-Friendly Products introduced by Sign Fab this year:

Structurally Bonded Letters and Signs are a cost-effective alternative to welded products, using the same industrial adhesive used by the aerospace and automotive industries for decades. Choosing structurally bounded signs saves 10 percent automatically.

Trimless Channel Letters are seamless, giving them a modern, sleek, and professional look that can be built in almost any size down to a 1-inch stroke. With a variety of face and lighting options, customers can earn significant savings choosing these letters, whether mounted on their own or as components in other types of signs.

WOWee! Brand 3D Channel Letters may be small but have a big impact. Built from 2 to 10 inches in height with a 1/2-inch stroke, they feature a variety of colors, styles, and lighting options and can be used in combination with other types of signs. Durable and affordable, WOWee! letters are perfect for small businesses, with prices starting as little as $250 per sign.
Illuminated versions of all four of Sign Fab’s Budget Friendly Products are UL® Listed, and all signs are made in the U.S.A.
Revised UL Standards
Speaking of UL® Listed products, have you heard about the recent revision of UL Standards?
A recent move by Underwriters Laboratories means most remote-mounted LED-illuminated channel-letter signs will now carry a single “UL Electronic Sign Section” label on their power supplies. Before the change, UL required multiple labels on each sign, including separate labels for each letter.
The conversion to a single label not only makes these signs more aesthetically pleasing but also provides manufacturers with a streamlined labeling system. Depending on local building codes, it can also result in a streamlined approval process for sign owners.
Signs that already house their power supplies, such as cabinet or raceway-mounted signs, won’t see any difference because they already carry the “UL Electronic Sign” label.
Sign Fab is currently in the middle of a multi-week educational-media campaign about the new UL Standards, working to make the information available industry-wide. Our goal is to ensure retailers, customers, state officials, and municipal building-code enforcement entities know about these changes.
Need more information about the impact revised UL standards are having? Email Sign Fab at [email protected] or visit today!