Shortcuts can be great, right? Not when your installing signs. Specifically, when it comes to mounting your signs. All the brackets provided for any raceway should be utilized for maximum hold.
There have been safety concerns we believe need extra attention:
A popular raceway style, is to have a stacked raceway, either with copy below or a logo or capsule. All of our extruded raceways come standard with external mounting brackets. They have a provided 3/8” mounting hole. In these situations, we place mounting tabs on the lower raceway that should also be fastened to the building structure.
Many times, this second raceway will be secured to the top raceway with external square tube. This is often requested by our customers as a great way to have their signs properly spaced as well as providing additional support for overhanging letters or shapes. Because of this type of assembly, it might be tempting for an installer to bypass or not to fasten the lower raceway mounting tabs. This would be a mistake and one that could lead to the sign coming off the wall.

The bottom raceway, in a stacked design, should always be mounted to the wall structure using the provided mounting tabs to maximize strength and support of the sign. The square tube rails that connect to any lower raceway will not properly support the raceway and sign, which should be mounted using the provided mounting tabs. There is no substitute for mounting each raceway to the wall using the provided mounting tabs.

If you have any questions or concerns about mounting signs like this, please don’t hesitate to call 800-544-6381 or email [email protected]. We are always here to help with anything you need.