Our custom logo signs can be manufactured to any shape, including standard shapes, symbols and business logos with either digital print or vinyl! Custom logos can take your business to the next level by transforming your space, storefront or lobby. They are durable and long lasting and simple to install. What more could you ask for? Your possibilities are virtually limitless for Custom Logos.
They are constructed from aluminum with acrylic faces and is most often in the form of a custom contour logo (the shape of the can follows the shape of the logo). We can produce almost any custom logo regardless of the shape or size.
As long as we can fit the LEDs in the product, it can be manufactured. Some options include: Contour Channel, Logo Box, Channel Letters with vinyl border or Reverse, Logos, Day-Night graphics.

Faces: 3/16″ acrylic or lexan CNC cut faces. Polycarbonate is typically used for large sign faces.
Trim: 3/4″ or 1″. Custom fabricated aluminum trim is also available and is standard for large logos. Aluminum trim can be painted to match most color options.
Backs: .050, .063, .080, .090, or .100 aluminum; 3mm, 6mm, single and double-sided PolyMetal™; mounting and electrical holes are CNC cut into the letter back.

Returns: Standard 3” pre-finished construction. Welded construction is also available in depths of 2″ to 12″.
Mounting: Remote-Preassembled, Remote-Prewired, Remote-Self-Contained, Remote-H-Channel, Raceway Mounted, Cabinet Mounted, Aluminum Panel, and Square Tube Grid. Custom mounting options available at request.
Lighting: We offer a standard stock of Principal LED modules to fit all product applications which include a 10-year parts, 5-year labor warranty. UL or non-UL listed.

Hardware Options: Remote-Nutserts with aluminum studs (1/4”). All Remote projects include a full-size mounting pattern. Custom hardware available at request.
If you ever have questions or need help with design, install, color choices, etc. call our office at 800-544-6381 or email us at [email protected] and we will help guide you in the right direction.